About of Al-Sajed International Co.

Al-Sajed International Co.


Although AL-Sajed Company has been established only on August 5th, 2019, but it has never been the beginning. Its managers and its founder, Haider Kathim Qasim, had an extensive experience in all the relevant areas, even before it was officially registered; such experience included administrative, 􀃶nancial, legal and technical aspects, which in turn guarantees that the best services will be provided to our customers with the highest possible qualit
This lends itself to the increasing popularity of the company in such short timescale; it made its presence known, built a wide in􀃸uence and it’s now regarded as one of the best companies in its 􀃶eld. Moreover, we dared to compete with many precedent companies, since AL-Sajed Company combines high efficiency and competitive prices, attracting various types of customer

Our Mission

We seek to well-establish our company as one of the biggest reputable companies in the Middle East, that delivers the highest possible level of quality and professionalism in the 􀃶elds of general trading, transportation and services

Our Vision

To deliver a high level of innovation and quality, and to take part in the industrial advancement that we all seek

Our Value

- Professionalism: this value is the base value that our company is built on, and so are all of our relationships, whether with clients or with employees. - Integrity: we adopt the highest moral standards which urge us to be transparent and neutral, which in turn guarantees the overall work integrity. - Sustainability: this value is a practical application for the quote that says “reaching the top is hard, yet keeping it is even harder”. - Innovation: we create suitable environment for our individuals to encourage them to innovate and motivate them to keep going, develop themselves, and build excellent con􀃶dent personality. - Teamwork: this is our source of power; it increases both size and quality of our works. - Perseverance: No entity 􀃶nds an easy way to succeed, we all face hurdles, that’s why we need this value, to overcome obstacles and to keep up the good work with no pullbacks.